

Qualities to Imbibe from the Elite (i)

[rockthemes_specialgridblock avoid_sidebar=”regular” skip_sg=”true”] [rockthemes_heading bold_color=”#152840″ regular_color=”#94618e” details_color=”#a5a7a8″ bold_text=”Qualities to Imbibe” light_text=”from the Elite (i)” details_text=”” heading_font_size=”” html_tag=”h3″ align=”left” use_icon=”yes” border_bottom=”yes” disable_margin=”no” ]  Qualities to Imbibe from the Elite (i) What separates a good player from a great player? What are…

Joys That Chess Players Experience!

[rockthemes_specialgridblock avoid_sidebar=”regular” skip_sg=”true”] [rockthemes_heading bold_color=”#152840″ regular_color=”#94618e” details_color=”#a5a7a8″ bold_text=”Joys That ” light_text=”Chess Players Experience!” details_text=”” heading_font_size=”” html_tag=”h1″ align=”left” use_icon=”yes” border_bottom=”yes” disable_margin=”no” ] [/rockthemes_specialgridblock]

Saravana Krishnan makes his second IM norm

[rockthemes_specialgridblock avoid_sidebar=”regular” skip_sg=”true”] [rockthemes_heading bold_color=”#152840″ regular_color=”#94618e” details_color=”#a5a7a8″ bold_text=”Saravana Krishnan” light_text=”makes his second IM norm” details_text=”” heading_font_size=”” html_tag=”h1″ align=”left” use_icon=”yes” border_bottom=”yes” disable_margin=”no” ] Welcome to a special feature on 8cross8. Saravana Krishnan made an International Master Norm in Mumbai Mayors Cup…

Extracts from My Chess Diary

[rockthemes_specialgridblock avoid_sidebar=”regular” skip_sg=”true”] [rockthemes_heading bold_color=”#152840″ regular_color=”#94618e” details_color=”#a5a7a8″ bold_text=”Extracts from” light_text=”My Chess Diary” details_text=”” heading_font_size=”” html_tag=”h1″ align=”left” use_icon=”yes” border_bottom=”yes” disable_margin=”no” ] I have a habit of noting a few words or lessons after experiences in a diary. I’m sharing a few…

Indian Chess Quiz – Episode 4

[rockthemes_specialgridblock avoid_sidebar=”regular” skip_sg=”true”] [rockthemes_heading bold_color=”#152840″ regular_color=”#94618e” details_color=”#a5a7a8″ bold_text=”Indian Chess Quiz” light_text=”- Episode 4″ details_text=”” heading_font_size=”” html_tag=”h1″ align=”left” use_icon=”yes” border_bottom=”yes” disable_margin=”no” ] Hello, Chess folks! Welcome back to the “Indian Chess Quiz.” for the Episode – 4. You can test your…

Interesting games of Lokesh

[rockthemes_specialgridblock avoid_sidebar=”regular” skip_sg=”true”] [rockthemes_heading bold_color=”#152840″ regular_color=”#94618e” details_color=”#a5a7a8″ bold_text=”Interesting games of” light_text=”Lokesh” details_text=”” heading_font_size=”” html_tag=”h1″ align=”left” use_icon=”yes” border_bottom=”yes” disable_margin=”no” ] You have already read the winner’s interview in one of our previous articles. Play the guessing game today. Here are excerpts…

Indian Chess Quiz – Episode 3

[rockthemes_specialgridblock avoid_sidebar=”regular” skip_sg=”true”] [rockthemes_heading bold_color=”#152840″ regular_color=”#94618e” details_color=”#a5a7a8″ bold_text=”Indian Chess Quiz” light_text=”- Episode 3″ details_text=”” heading_font_size=”” html_tag=”h1″ align=”left” use_icon=”yes” border_bottom=”yes” disable_margin=”no” ] Hello, Chess folks! We are so happy to present you a new blog series to tickle your minds every…